Terms & Conditions
Foundation Sports are committed to being as transparent as possible with parents with clear communication with our T&C’s.
These Terms and Conditions apply to Foundation Sports classes that are provided to students, applied for and consented to by their Parent/Carers (referred to hereinafter as “student).
Changes to these Terms and Conditions require the written consent of Foundation Sports.
· I understand that classes take place weekly and run as per the Academic Year. Students are expected to attend all classes at their scheduled time these times are published on our Class4kids website.
· I understand Foundation Sports reserve the right to make changes to our timetable and teaching staff. This also includes merging or rescheduling classes. We will only make these changes if there is a specific reason as to why.
· I understand all children must registered via our Class4kids registers before attending.
· I understand all students must be collected by a parent/carers directly from the sessions unless we have written consent for the student to be leaving alone or with another child’s parent.
· I understand that parents/Carers should inform Foundation Sports if the student is going to be absent from a scheduled class at least 24 hours before.
· I understand all Foundation Sports staff are DBS Checked, Safeguarding, First Aid and Qualified in their specialist subjects.
· I understand Foundation Sports staff may use physical contact ONLY to assist students in the development and improvement of their technique and movements. Physical contact may also be used when administrating First Aid and when assisting students with their uniform changes.
Payment, Refund & Credit Policy
· All termly fees must be paid 24 hours of your booking and before you attend your class to secure the student’s place. If payment isn’t received within this timeframe your booking will be cancelled.
· Foundation Sports accepts payments through Class4kids only.
· I understand that the responsibility of payments is down to the parent/carers of students and not Foundation Sports.
· I understand that classes and uniform are non-refundable.
· I understand all uniform must be paid for upon order.
· I understand that all classes must be paid for regardless of attendance.
· I understand Foundation Sports do not offer refunds or credit for sickness.
All parents are entitled to a credit/refund if the following criteria is met:
· If the school closes and the class cannot be rescheduled, credit will be applied to your account for future bookings.
· If we cancel your booking, you will be entitled to credit on your account or a refund.
· If we cancel due to the behaviour of the student, then you will be entitled to a refund for all remaining sessions that you are booked on for. This only applies to the specific sessions they have been cancelled from e.g. Gymnastics
· If your child has a physical reason they cannot attend e.g. broken leg, credit will be applied to your account.
GDPR & Data Protection
At Foundation Sports we respect the privacy of the children attending the coaching sessions and the privacy of their parents or carers. Our aim is to ensure that all those using and working at Foundation Sports can do so with confidence.
We will respect confidentiality in the following ways:
· Staff only discuss individual children for purposes of planning and group management.
· Staff are made aware of the importance of confidentiality during their induction process.
· Information given by parents to company staff will not be passed on to third parties without permission unless there is a safeguarding issue (as covered in our Safeguarding Policy).
· Concerns or evidence relating to a child’s safety, will be kept in a confidential file and will not be shared within the company, except with the designated Child Protection Officer and the manager.
· Issues relating to the employment of staff, whether paid or voluntary, will remain confidential to those making personnel decisions.
· Confidential records are stored securely in a lockable file.
· Students on work placements and volunteers are informed of our confidentiality policy and are required to respect it.
· Data on our online register system Class4Kids to not be shared or have GDPR guidelines breached
Sharing information with outside agencies
We will only share information with outside agencies on a need-to-know basis and with consent from parents, except in cases relating to safeguarding children or criminal activity. If we decide to share information without parental consent, we will record this in the child’s file, clearly stating our reasons.
We will only share relevant information that is accurate and up to date. Our primary commitment is to the safety and well-being of the children in our care.
Data Protection Act
We comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998, regarding obtaining, storing and using personal data.
We will comply with GDPR guidelines as set out in the Data Protection Act.
Photo consent
I understand that Foundation Sports reserve the right to use any photography and/or video footage of all students taken for any marketing material throughout our network, providing that the appropriate permission was given at the time of Registration.
All Foundation Sports students are expected to attend all their scheduled classes in their the appropriate attire for all classes. Jewelry should not be worn, and long hair should be tied back.
At Foundation Sports we expect children to behave and show respect to their peers and coaches. Below are conditions that every child must meet in order to continue taking part in our club.
1. If a child has made a number of wrong choices and been difficult to manage at times, then the coaches will speak to parents about pupil's behaviour on an informal basis.
2. Child has continually misbehaved and has consistently disrupted the clubs for a number of weeks. Coaches and Tom/Anna (Managing Directors) speaks to parents and discuss behaviour on a confidential basis. Parent should be informed that if this continues then their place at the club will have to be considered.
3. Child has made no improvement with behaviour and constantly disrupts the club. Tom/Anna will communicate with parents that the child will no longer be offered a place at the club and if payment has been made a refund will be offered for all of the missed weeks. If there is a waiting list, the child will be added to the waiting list and will be last on the list to give them time to think about their experience and behaviour at our clubs.
The ethos and culture of our clubs is to include every child in our sessions; however, we have a policy in place to manage behaviour for all participants to make our sessions as effective as possible. We are an award-winning sports coaching company, and we want you to experience why we are so highly regarded at every opportunity your child gets to attend our clubs.
We understand that children can make mistakes and are able to improve their behaviour. We are happy to offer children another opportunity to prove they can behave in our clubs. Upon returning to the club the child will follow the below process:
1. Child will be booked on via a paid trial. Parent will be provided feedback following the 1st session back with us at the end of the session.
2. Foundation Sports coaches will make a decision following the club if the child is ready to return to our club.
3. Parent to be contacted by Foundation Sports following their decision on whether their child is ready to be booked on for the rest of the term
4. There will be a half-termly review of how the child has got on and if we are happy for them to continue attending for the rest of term then we will accept their booking permanently.
We hope it never gets to stage 1 of our clubs and the large majority of children behave fantastically at all our sessions, however we must put this policy in place for every child that attends our clubs.
Code of conduct
· Foundation Sports reserves the right to exclude students or parents/guardians from lessons at its discretion. Our Code of Conduct must be followed by each and every student/parent/guardian whilst they are in our care, facilities and whilst Foundation Sports is in operation:
· Foundation Sports does not tolerate any bullying or bad language.
· We ask that valuables are not brought into any class as Foundation Sports do not take responsibility for items that are lost or damaged.
· Students are not permitted to eat or drink in class, unless permission has been given by a member of staff.
· Water is the only source of drink that is permitted.
· Mobile Phones are not to be used in classes, unless permission is given by a member of staff.
· In the event of an emergency, Branch Managers (Tom/Anna) always have a contact telephone.
· Chewing Gum is not permitted in any class.
· Students/Parents/Guardians must show respect to all Foundation Sports at all times.
· Students/Parents/Guardians must show their peers respect at all times.
· Students/Parents/Guardians must follow the instructions of all Foundation Sports at all times.
Managing persistent lateness
The Area Co-ordinator will record incidents of late collection and will discuss them with the child’s parents or carers. Parents and carers will bereminded that if they persistently collect their child late they may lose their place at the coaching session. If persistent lateness occurs and we accept the child to continue attending then additional fees of £5.00 will be charged to the parent.
We would consider a time to be late to collect is over 10 minutes.
Medical Information:
· I understand I MUST inform Foundation Sports of any medical needs your student may have upon registration on Class4kids.
· I understand I must give any medication, epi pen, asthma pump etc directly to a Foundation Sports member of staff at the start of every session otherwise my child will be unable to participate in the class.
· I understand all medical information will be kept confidential and only shared with class teachers in order to enforce student safety at all times.
· Students participate at their own risk and are obliged to inform Foundation Sports Staff of any existing injuries or medical conditions. In the event a student is not able to take part in their class, it is advised that they sit and watch so that they are knowledgeable of what is expected of them for when they are able to re-join the class.
· I understand by registering for Foundation Sports classes I agree to all of Foundation Sports Policies and Procedures. This includes our: Privacy Policy, Child Protection Policy, Behaviour Policy, Complaints Policy, Safeguarding Policy, Equalities Policy and Health and Safe Policy.
· I understand uniform MUST be worn to all sessions to ensure safety of all students.
· I understand I am NOT able to stay within the hall to watch the classes unless it is ‘parents watch week’.
· I understand I must not photograph or video any other student other than my own in ‘parent watch weeks’.
· I understand that I will need to inform Foundation Sports of any changes to student data/information.
Changes to terms and conditions
Foundation Sports reserves the right to alter the Terms and Conditions without prior notice. Your enrolment to Foundation Sports is a contractual acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. All up to date information will be published on our website and on Class4Kids.
This policy was adopted by: Mr. Thomas Boxer and Miss Anna Maria Theodoulou (Managing Directors)
Date: 01 September 2023